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The future of decarbonization also lies in the consumption of other renewable and clean energies, such as wind power and photovoltaics. They still have a minority share in the global energy mix and in Brazil, because their intermittency and the variations in power generation and distribution reduce their use on a larger scale.


Large storage systems, also known as accumulators, come as an alternative to intermittency and power fluctuations, and are being adopted to generate energy on a continuous basis, making it easier to integrate them into power distribution and transmission networks (grid). The heart of these systems are lithium-ion batteries, where the electrical energy generated is transformed into chemical energy and stored for continuous and stable distribution, avoiding oscillations.


Lithium-ion batteries are the technology of choice for chemical energy storage projects - among other factors are the combination of low cost, efficiency and safety they provide. They allow renewable sources to be used on a larger scale, make it possible to store energy in periods when production exceeds consumption and increase system security by preventing oscillations. Accumulators enable the continuous supply to both the grid and electric vehicles.

Lithium-ion batteries and solar and wind energy accumulators

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Rua Trípoli, 92, salas 131 a 134,
13th floor| Vila Leopoldina

CEP 05303-020 | São Paulo – SP

+55 11 3837-0075 

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Mining Unit
Chemical Plant Unit

Rodovia BR 367,

km 276

CEP 39600-000 | Araçuaí – MG

+ 55 33  3731-3351

Rodovia BR 116,

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+ 55 33  3755-8800

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